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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from Rachel

I've done a little better this week. I've even eaten pretty good for eating out and all the Holiday treats until the past day and last night. All of a sudden we have had all sorts of goodies dropped off at our door and after Lars sharing his Christmas gift from the uncles I sort of pigged out on some holiday treats. I think the goodies are done. I have lost at least 1 pound this week and maybe 2! I wasn't at home to weigh myself this morning and my afternoon weight just isn't what I wanted to record but it was still looking pretty good but not at what I was the morning before. So I'm going to check tomorrow and see!

So I will be depositing $3 for the three work outs I did this week. I also wasn't good at keeping track of my food but I wasn't worried about it until last night so there won't be any money for veggies.

Merry Christmas!


mP said...

I think we'll all have the same problem with food this week. But I admit that you have done much better than me! Keep up the good work!

MJ said...

It sure is hard to resist all of those goodies isn't it? Hey, I'm so proud of you for doing great with your weight loss! I bet you look great!

JjHansen said...

No one brings goodies to my house but there are tons down here at my parents house so I know what you mean. Congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like you're doing pretty good!