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Friday, May 22, 2009

MJ has been in ~LUNCH~LADY ~LAND~ Week 35

Friday already!!! How did that happen?

Hey, J... I for one am NOT losing my motivation, I've just been busy with the end of the school year!!

Doing pretty well this week as far as exercise goes. Actually, I'm doing better than I have in a long time but I've also been starving lately! In fact, the carbs have gotten the better of me this week. I'm not one with the will power to stick to a rigid diet but I am usually more careful about what I eat.

This week, I've been out to lunch 3 times!!!

(Not to mention heading to dinner with some girls this evening!) I have a friend in town so we met for lunch and I also have some "lunch ladies" who meet for chit chat. Somehow, everything ended up happening this week! Lunchmania.

I confess, I could not resist the Seafood Alfredo at Olive Garden. It was sooooo good. I normally order apricot chicken. But not this time. I remember thinking, "Well, if I get this for lunch, I'll eat a small dinner and walk an extra 20 minutes tonight." I ordered it and followed through with my dinner and 20 minutes.

Just looking at the image I'm adding to this post reminded me that the pasta plus the bread sticks and salad with extra cheese probably put me over my starch limit for the year but what can I say?

OK, I'll say this...I completed my goal of a 5 mile walk!!! I've found some great places to walk outside. I like it so much better than the treadmill. There is a road by my house that goes uphill. It's a great workout! It's only 2 miles to the top but it feels so great when you get there and know that the trip home will be downhill!


HiP hIp HOORAY! I was a little stiff the next day but overall, the hip is doing fine!

I have also kept up with my water intake and stretching! Can I just say that I love this blog and the program! I know I'll keep the healthy habits I've been working on with my BFGs for the rest of my life! So when I have a week like this one where I order a plate of pasta for lunch, I don't cringe from the guilt because I know I will be drinking plenty of water and doing enough exercise to balance myself out! I'd say I've experienced the butterfly effect without Ashton Kutcher!

Thanks girls! Love ya!



no1rachel said...

As long as there were not hairnets harmed in the making of your lunch lady land I think you might survive!

mP said...

ah ... lunch out with the ladies - how i long for that! hoping to have a job soon and actually be unable to do that, but until then .... anyone want to go out with me?