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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An Official Report from Jj Hansen

Okay, so I've been trying this low carb thing for the past week and I've got to say, it's much harder than it looks. I been fairly good about keeping it in the 175-225 range (except on my free day which I used to totally blow any and all progress) but hopefully as I find more recipes I'll be able to get that number even lower. My biggest problem is milk! I just can't give it up! But I've been better about not just taking the whole gallon with me. Usually I make dinner and sit down with a glass and a gallon in front of me and drink at least 3-4 cups with a meal - but I've been measuring it out and only drinking 2 cups at each meal and then drinking water after that. Can I just say it's killing me??
Anyway, due to my sprained ankle I've had to cut back or change my workouts a little bit so I didn't strain it even worse before our hike on Saturday but I've still managed to get some decent workouts in. Some of my cardios were shorter than required due to the ankle but I've done my best to make it up with toning. Plus, I've gotten all of my fruits and vegetables in almost every day this week (I don't know what I'm going to do when watermelon is out of season and I can't get it anymore).
So, that being said, I will be depositing $7 into our account as soon as it's set up. Oh, and I took my measurements and weighed myself this morning . . not the most amazing progress, but there's a little. I've lost a half inch around my ribs and a half inch on my thighs. As far as weight goes, only a half pound . . but I just started a new medication yesterday that also acts as a diaretic. Some side effect, huh? I looked up the med and most people reported losing 10-15 lbs when they started taking it. If only I'd known it could be so easy . . .


mP said...

A sprained ankle would be a perfect excuse not to work out this week. I'm proud of you sticking to this!

MJ said...

Hey, you lost weight and you measured smaller! I think that is amazing! What is your medication for?

no1rachel said...

way to go Janis!

MJ said...

About that cape...

OK, J, I'm not a math major but you lost 1 inch and 1/2 of a pound so you better make that cape for yourself! I only lost an inch. I didn't lose any weight.

No worries, I won't feel bad for not having the cape. I'll get plenty of joy from seeing you wear it! And maybe you could lend it to Rachel sometime? She sounded like she wanted one.

Hee hee hee.