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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The first thing I have done this week ahead of time

I have been such a procrastinator this week! Signing in is the first thing I have done this week before it became crunch time!! I have worked out and didn't allow the unpredictability of life get in the way until Monday. I couldn't shake the overwhelming depression:( It didn't help that I stayed up until 4 am each reading because I couldn't sleep. So instead of exercising I laid on the couch! However, I did eventually get up to help a friend reupholster her chair. What a body hurts! We've been working on it for the past two afternoons and have barely made a dent. I was sweating and breathing hard as we pulled out staples. So I'm going to count both days as one work out. So I'll deposit $8 again this week.


mP said...

A work out doesn't have to be conventional - if you get your heart rate up and break a sweat - then it counts! So good job! And great job about getting in your other workouts! It can be tough sometimes and I think sometimes we need to go easier on ourselves. (hehe, I'm one to talk!)

JjHansen said...

I totally agree with Maria. A workout doesn't necessarily mean that you're on the treadmill or the elliptical or whatever. I got quite a workout doing yard work on Saturday and I'm totally counting that. I think the most important thing is just to keep active. (But I think we all need our break time to just hang out on the couch too so don't beat yourself up over it. I do that too.)

MJ said...

Hey, I'm all for alternantive workouts! Sweetie, the month is almost over. I know it's been a hard one for you and you are awesome for getting through it! Come upholster my couch anytime...or just come lounge on my couch if you want:)