For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 30!!!

Well I meant to post on Monday but I missed it by 4o minutes...don't know why I'm still awake.!

My goal for this past week was to exercise Monday through Saturday... I was doing awesome until I had to take a break on Friday for my poor knee; however, I pulled myself together and went walking on Saturday!

I'll be depositing $10 and I'm going to give me $1 for a milestone well because I deserve it.

for week 31 I'm going to try for all six far so..okay.


MJ said...

Great Job! Congrats on the milestone!

JjHansen said...

I agree - you do deserve it! I'm very proud of you. Keep it up! And call me if you need someone to walk with.