For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Monday, March 23, 2009

And the winner is ......

As many of you know, my husband's sister started a family weight loss/fitness challenge. There were essentially two categories ..... highest percentage of body weight lost and highest number of points. To see how to earn points check out the blog at

It was a close race. Justin was weighing in at 264 yesterday afternoon. That's 13.68% loss of his body weight. He got out the calculator and started to figure out what his weight would need to be as well as that of his closest competitors to determine if he could easily win or not. If he could maintain that weight - he'd have a very good chance of winning.

Justin's oiled up striped down brother-in-law Brock came out in his tiny shorts and jumped on the scale. He had lost 13.9% of his body weight. Poor Justin.

But wait... Justin hadn't OFFICIALLY weighed in yet. Justin would need to weigh 263. He climbed on that scale (that only an hour ago he had used to weigh himself at 264) and .....


Justin lost 14.25% of his body weight and took home the title of Sanders' Family Biggest Loser! He lost 44 lbs in 11 weeks!

Good job, Baby! I am so proud of you!

Oh.....and I won on the points section.

But the most important thing is that we all started making healthier changes in our lives. Just like the Butterfly Girls.

Our vacation will be great, but honestly ladies, we've already been rewarded by how much better we all feel about ourselves and the love, friendship, inspiration, and encouragement that we've received from each other.

Keep up the good work BG's. Keep up the good work Sanders Family. And keep up the good work to all of you out there striving to improve your lives!

1 comment:

MJ said...

Justin, you are incredible!!!

(Just like your wife!)