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Friday, March 13, 2009


Has it just been "one of those weeks" that it's now Friday and still not one of the four of us has posted? I'm unsure if that's good or bad. For me, it's bad. it means that I'm STILL working on my freakin lameo kitchen. And when I get that done I have a freakin HUGE jewelry shoot that I've got to get done on bright sunny days and in of all places . . my kitchen. Seriously, I hate my kitchen right now and if I could help it I'd never go in there again. I'd just stay in my room and live off the Eater candy that I've got stashed under my bed. Oh that would be the life. Until it got to the point that I was too big to get out of bed and had to use a bed pan and they had to take the sliding doors out of my room and lift me out via crane so they could put me on a truck scale. That part would not be so good.

Okay, done rambling on about nothing. I really haven't kept track of what I've been eating as I've been covered in paint EVERY dang day (notice the obsessive use of caps lock today) and I haven't been to the gym at all and yet I feel as though I haven't stopped moving. Poor, poor Chuck the Wonder Dog is still afraid to walk through the kitchen and he's only been walked twice in the last week. But, I know that most days, I've forgotten to eat. I know you're not surprised. Do send me emails about how bad it is not to eat - I know! I just forget. I always get this way when I'm home too long. Anyway, I'm just going to guesstimate this week and say $7. I haven't weighed myself and I haven't taken any measurements because honestly, I just don't want to see that. But I should be back to normal (as normal as I can be) in the next week. Wish me luck.

Now . . where are the rest of you hiding???

1 comment:

MJ said...

Keep working on those cabinets and whatever you do, don't come unhinged! Just kidding!!!

I thought you looked great last time I saw you. All the work around the house is giving your body a work out too!