For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Courage, Determination & Independence...MJ Week 26

When we started this challenge, we all talked about getting into shape and looking great. I was hoping to trim down my waist and tone up a little bit. At that time, I never imagined that half way through the challenge, all I would want is for my hip to look like this!

I can't tell you how many times I've woken up in the night because my hip, leg and lower back were throbbing. It has been difficult. The physical pain brought out the emotional pain that I was holding onto from the original injury. It forced me to work on my emotional self as well as my physical condition.

But holding true to the butterfly analogy that we decided upon in the beginning, I kept working toward the person I wanted to become.

I have taken courage from Rachel
, who was in as much pain as I was, just a different kind of pain. And who reached through the darkness to find the light.

I borrowed determination from Maria
who was loyal to herself and to her goals, breaking down wall after wall as she pushed herself to new limits.

And I learned independence from Janis who doesn't let anyone tell her that she can't do something and who stands with inner strength because she stands on her own.

Cheer for me, girlfriends, I have been working hard & at the same time, forcing myself to take it slow. Allowing myself to heal. It has been discouraging and frustrating. But for the first time in a long time, I have hope! In fact, I am going to add a milestone to my total for this week.

Yesterday was pain free for me!!!

My hip didn't hurt for the entire day! It has been months since that has happened. I didn't take any ibuprofen the night before or yesterday and I haven't taken any today!!! I'm not finished recovering yet. I have a lot of work ahead of me. But it is as if I have finally climbed to the top of the hill and I can see the other side.

Bless you Butterflies!



1 comment:

mP said...

Mj - you are such an inspiration to me. Especially with regards to what a good, selfless, loyal friend is.
I am so happy to hear that you finally had a pain free day. I hope R can have a few of those as well.
I wish all my BG's the best because we all deserve it! I love you ladies.