For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Monday, July 27, 2009

So slow . .

I think this summer has been a little crazy and we're all busy (well, you guys are, I'm just lazy) and we're all slacking off on our posts. We're almost done with our challenge, ladies! How are we doing on our goals? Sadly, due to my stupid sprained ankle I haven't yet run my 5k (or my 10k for that matter) but even if I don't do it before we finish the challenge, I will get there, dang it!

Anyway, last week was pretty dang good. My diet was great, my workouts were consistent everything. I was pretty freakin' excited. In the last two weeks I've lost 3 lbs which means that at the beginning the current week (which will be reported on Wednesday), I was only 2 lbs from my lowest weight back in March and I can start reporting my weight loss as milestones again. So stay tuned for that one! I had a dream last night that I stepped on the scale and I was 1 lb below what I was at 16 - or at least I think it was a dream. I'm pretty sure I would have thrown a party and told my whole family if it weren't. But I didn't so I'm going to go with dream.

LOVING my aerial dance class. I SO want to take the intermediate class in August but it's $50 and without a job, I just don't think I dare. Especially when I don't know if/when my house will sell and where I'll be living that I'll have to commute to get to a one hour class. But I've got to say - it's one crazy workout. You wouldn't think so but I never walk out of there without being covered in sweat and my biceps, triceps and abs burning. It's freakin' awesome.

Depositing max: $10

PS Sorry for the lack of some cool illustrative photo this week. I'm still stuck at my parents house because my car is in the shop AGAIN and they don't have wifi so I'm on my mom's PC and I don't know the first thing about trying to save a photo somewhere on here and then finding it again to get it on the blog. And honestly, I have no interest in figuring it out either. ;-)

1 comment:

MJ said...

I'd love to set a date for the vacation!!!

A destination would be great too.

Hope your car gets fixed soon. Maybe you should just bring it home and put some electrical tape over that light on you dashboard. I'm no mechanic but I'm just saying...:)