For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Girls! I lost an inch from my lower abs! Yes! I measured last night and couldn't believe it so I did it again this morning! Hooray!

OK, now that the excessive celebration is over, I'll really report in. I exercise everyday and so I'm mostly trying to balance my diet at this point. Last week was a learning week for me. The food journal was extremely helpful. I found out that I'm not taking in enough fat or carbs. I've always assumed I had too many carbs in my diet because I snack all day and drink Mountain Dew. I need to boost my metabolism by eating more. Didn't see that one coming.

I realized that I don't eat fruit. I stopped eating fruit when I had gestational diabetes and I don't really ever crave it anymore. I'm not too worried about that but I did buy some frozen berries to add to my breakfasts for their antioxidant benefits.

Also, I don't eat much dairy. I'm just not a big fan. I did buy yogurt and managed to get a couple of containers into my diet this last week. Lexa ate the rest, thank goodness!

In order to address my stress issue, I added a vitamin b supplement. I also took some time before bedtime to stretch and make myself relax so that I could sleep better.

This weeks goals:
More water!
More veggies to boost complex carbs and fiber.
I'm adding nuts and continuing with the flax seeds.
I'm going to do a daily exercise video that targets abs.


mP said...

An inch in a week? You freaking rock! It took me more than four months to lose 3 inches (from my upper abs and significantly less than that from my lower). And way to go on the diet portion. Sometimes I think that's the most difficult part - because it's constant - it's not just one hour a day that you have to think about it.

JjHansen said...

An inch in one week is really really good! Especially when you consider the area. Being women and all, we tend to store fat there and it's really hard to get rid of - so you're me hero for the day. I think I'll make you a cape . . .

no1rachel said...

Lucky! You're getting a cape!! I'm impressed that you are trying to get more dairy.

Unknown said...

I wish I could loose an inch in one week, what an achievement! It is important to ensure you are getting sufficient antioxidants in your diet. I personally buy a rose hip supplement online from Goldshield as I don't always eat the best foods. Drinking green tea and coffee are also good ways to boost your body's antioxidant levels.