For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Maria Weighing In

I feel I need to start by saying this has been a tough week for me. I went out of town on Wednesday and was gone until Sunday. I'm sure you all know how difficult it can be to eat well when you're traveling. It was also my anniversary - so there was a little celebration dinner (or two) for that, a BYU home game (i.e. stadium food), and my belated birthday dinner with the Sanders family (i.e. cake). On Monday morning I weighed myself and was disappointed, but not surprised, to see that I had gained 0.4 lbs since my last weigh in (Wednesday morning).
That said ... I did 1 hour of cardio Wednesday morning, 1 hour of cardio Thursday morning, 1 hour of cardio Friday afternoon, 1 hour of cardio Monday morning, and 1 hour of weight training Tuesday morning. And I am happy to report that this morning, when I stepped onto that scale, not only had I lost the 0.4 I had put on over the weekend, I had also lost another 0.6 lbs for a total of 1 lb since last Wednesday. Considering the week I've had - I think that's pretty good!
I'll be depositing $5 for week 1 as soon as we have a place to deposit it.

P.S. I know that gaining 0.4 lbs is not a big deal - you can easily fluctuate as much as a pound in a day (if not even more!). Knowing this, however, does not make it any less frustrating to see that extra 0.4 lbs on the scale.


MJ said...

Thanks for showing us that it's OK to go out to eat as long as you're paying attention to what you eat & continue to exercise! Great job on keeping those 4 pounds from sticking!

mP said...

hehe, Marion - it was 0.4 lbs - not 4 lbs. (I guess I could have made that clearer in my post. In fact, I think I will!)

JjHansen said...

I think that is great! Goes to show that you can still reach your goals even if your life is hectic. Congrats!

no1rachel said...

Maria you rock!

MJ said...

Oops, sorry Maria, but I'm still impressed. Now I'll be laughing all day.

MJ said...
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