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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Maria Week 22

My focus is back on running. I have 1 month until my half marathon and I feel like I have really slacked off recently. I have a training coach and that is helping a lot in the motivation department - as well as keeping me on track.
As a result of shifting my focus to only running I have been forced to take some "rest" days - which are primarily days where I work out much lighter and for a shorter amount of time. Because let's face it - I WILL NOT take a real rest day. So I do what I can. And that may equate to smaller deposits each week.
Also, I have been avoiding weighing myself since that is no longer an issue for me - and because I was honestly obsessing about it.
Oh, and I fell of the wagon again with recording my foods. Gotta get back on that! Starting today!
I hit 6 miles again in my running and I am on track to go 7 this week so I should have another milestone week next week! YAY!

Depositing $12.00 - max for workouts and fruits and veggies and $2 for the 6 mile milestone


MJ said...

Run, Maria! Run!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited for you! Have I mentioned before that you are my hero? Or should that be heroine? Well, whatever, I think you are awesome!

mP said... would be heroine. I don't mind being someone's heroine. But is that the same as being called someone's "drug of choice?" Interesting.

MJ said...

Well, I imagine you are Justin's drug of choice :)