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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly on the Plane

But whenever I go on a trip, it stays where ever I am. Maybe I should take a plane to Spain and see what happens. hhmmm . . . Seriously?!? Why is it that EVERYTIME I go on a trip I get rained out? Don't get me wrong, I still had a good time but it made for a very cold weekend.

Sadly, because of the pouring and I really mean POURING (I'm using a lot of caps but that seems to be the only way to get my point across, but I'm open to suggestions) on Saturday. Well, really it was raining just about every day but we'll get to that later. So our hashing even was canceled. Actually, Aeon (Jana's BF) still went but we decided to go shopping instead. Much more useful in my opinion.

We went rock climbing on Sunday (don't judge - I was communing with nature). But it was so freezing cold that I only made it about 3/4 the way up the mountain before I had to come down because my hands were frozen and I couldn't grip the rock anymore. I think I was only about 5 feet from the sunshine and warm rock but I just couldn't handle it anymore. So I went hiking with some other people in our group to warm up instead. So either way, I got in some good exercise. I've got pictures but I haven't transferred them to my computer so I've attached some random photos from First Friday instead. I'll get you rock climbing pictures for next weeks post. (Ignore the guy trying to lick my cheek. That's Jana's BF.)

Unfortunately, the diet journal went out the window. I tried to keep track of some stuff on my iPod but when you're staying with someone else and random people are cooking you dinner you can't really go asking for the recipe so you can calculate the calories and digging for a measuring cup to make sure you only get one serving. Well, I guess you could but if you ever want to be invited back, I would advise otherwise.

Luckily, Jana and Aeon and friends are all pretty healthy eaters. I'm sure I probably went over on carbs more than once, but I think I did pretty good on calories. No milestones to report, but I didn't gain anything either. Maybe I should make that a milestone. I seem to be good at that one. And I know this isn't a milestone, but I'm excited about it so I'm going to report it anyway . . . I've gone down at least a full pant size. Before I was wearing a 10-12 but now I'm a pretty solid 8. I could stand to lose another 3 lbs to make them fit PERFECTLY and that will happen but I needed new jeans because the old ones kept falling off so I decided to just go with it. Whoohoo! Anyway, depositing the max of $10 this week.

And since I've got nothing but time on my hands for a while, I'm going to try to spend a lot more time in the gym for the next few weeks. If I don't find something to entertain me I may just totally lose my mind.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Rock climbing sounds fun. We should plan something! I think I could do it because it's a different motion than running and won't hurt my little old lady hip.