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Monday, March 23, 2009

Luckiest Girl on the Plant

OMG! I have the best friends in the whole world. They have made me feel like a high school football star - and that is a very good thing.

Back in my high school days I decorated many of the football players houses before homecoming with big posters, balloons, etc along with my beautiful BG's. Today, I joined their ranks. Today, I was on the receiving end of that same sort of love and support. This is what it is all about ladies. This morning I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet!

I woke up early this morning and went out to hit the gym for some last minute prep for my half marathon tomorrow and found a very amazing surprise.

(You made me cry you little stinkers!)
Thank you all so much for your love and support. This half marathon is a big deal for me. I realize that to many other people it may be ... half marathon, biggie. But for a girl who's never been able to run more than a mile and a half until last summer - it's a HUGE deal.

This is my favorite part - hehe ..... Go Rams!

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