For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rachel is moving Wednesday to Monday

Okay Jj here I am! but this isn't my real post! I've decided that I'm, if it is okay with the rest of you, to post on Mondays?! Wednesdays have become a very long day with no me time! so let me know. And since you all love me sooooooo much you'll just nod your heads and say "but of course" -and it has to be with silly french accents because that phrase only works that way. Let me know if you're okay with my crazy plan.


mP said...

But of course!

JjHansen said...

How about a Spanish accent? That's really the only one I can do. Well, that's a lie, I can do British too but lets be honest here . . none of them are good. How about Southern? That one I can usually fake and when I really tired, I develop one anyway. No idea why, but there you have it.

MJ said...

A post is a post as long as it's posted!!!

Remember when Janis was talking with an accent at Rachel's house and she was doing a Chinese accent with Mexican phrasing or something like that? And Justin called her on it? That was so funny! What game were we playing anyway? Maybe baulderdash.

We need to get together again soon! Children, husbands, accents and all! We could play apples to apples since that sounds HEALTHY and non-fattening!