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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lack of internet . . by Jj

Yup, it's an excuse that I could have gotten around easily enough, but I hate using other peoples computers to do my stuff and that's exactly what I would have had to do to get either of my last two posts done, and so there was no post last week, and I'm late this week. Hey, at least I'm honest.

Anyway, I went home last week for my niece's HS graduation (and ran into R&G) and took my car into the shop because the check engine light came on AGAIN and I didn't get it back until Wednesday night. As much as I love my family, that's just too much time to spend at home. Don't know what I'm going to do when/if I sell my house. Of course, the worst part was that I didn't have a car so I had to rely on someone else every time I wanted to do something.

Anyway, I'm depositing $7 for each of the last two weeks. Haven't had a ton of workouts due to my stupid ankle. But I've tried to get in toning and things that don't cause a lot of pain. I even went on a real bike ride while I was at home. Look at me go. Thought I was going to die there once or twice which is so totally and pathetically sad. But I think this is the first time I've been on a bike in 15+ years. Don't tell my roommate - she'll mock me until the day I die.

Oh, and I've lost another 5 lbs (in the last two weeks) so I'm only a couple of pounds from where I was before and where I'll start counting the weight loss as milestones again. Whoohoo!

1 comment:

mP said...

Congrats on the weightloss! You rock! I get the computer issue. Being a fellow mac-addict, I completely understand.