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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I'm SO very sick of this rain. (We really need to plan our vacation so I can start looking forward to some sunshine!) Normally, I love a good spring rainstorm. But seriously?!? We got and inch and a half in one day! And poor, poor Chuck the Wonder Dog is so afraid of the thunder. So not only has he not gotten nearly enough exercise this week, he's also spent the larger portion of nearly every day hiding in the bathroom. Like the toilet is really going to protect him. Silly dog. But who knows, maybe the blow dryer has some magic skills I'm unaware of.

So my ankle is still giving me crazy issues. It's very on again/off again with the pain. Last time I went to the doctor he gave me one of those MONDO huge black boots to wear but since it's so tall (yet so short) I don't have any shoes that match in height so it throws me off and hurts my back. Stupid boot. So my workouts have been few and far between but I've been trying to do much better with my diet. Of course it's almost summer and I'd eat nothing but fruit if my digestive system could handle it. mmmmm . . watermelon.

On a side note . . has anyone see the show Wipeout? I didn't watch it tonight cuz I was watching other stuff but I saw it last week and it totally cracked me up. And from the looks of the attached clip, I'm really kinda sorry I'm missed it. Maria, I think you should try it out. If any of us could do it, it's you. We'll come along and be your cheerleaders! We can even come in uniform. I'll bring the Dramamine for the spinney thing.
Are we still on for the Timp Caves? Next weekend? Ankle be damned! I'm going! I'm so tired of feeling like a lump and I've got to get the rest of this stupid weight off! I blame the economy (last year I blamed el Nino but the economy is much more convenient and believable so I'll give it a try out for now).

Sorry I'm so random today. Well actually, no I'm not. This is who I am. Love me or hate me but don't ever tell me I'm predictable.

Depositing $6.50.

Peace out.

1 comment:

mP said...

Jet loves Wipeout - I remember Mj talking about it.
Poor Chuck. I haven't noticed Hiro having issues with thunder but we did have a dog a long time ago that was afraid of it.
As for the rain - I can't sympathize - I love it. I think I belong in the Pacific Northwest. (except that I want to hike and it isn't really conducive for that)