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Thursday, June 4, 2009

MJ and flip flops...week 37

Fighting a head cold but I still got out and walked a couple of days this week, picking up 4 1/2 miles each time. It sure feels good to walk again. I'm a little bit discouraged because I feel like I'm behind on my progress.

My physical limitations make me feel old. Anybody else feeling our age? I have to laugh because, the last few posts have been about my bad hip, Maria's bad knee & Janis's sprained ankle. So that leaves Rachel. (Rach, how are you holding up?) Oh, wait, Rachel had massive food poisoning after her trip. Oh, butterflies, I sure do love you all!

~I feel like if I were a pair of shoes, I'd be a pair of flip flops. Of course, I'm hoping to be a pair of stilettos. Red stilettos mind you!


1 comment:

mP said...

Yes, Mj, I think we are all feeling a bit old these days. Stilettos sound fun, but I'm going to have to go with my faves - a pair of adidas running shoes. Boring I know, but that's the shoe I've been gravitating towards since - well, 1995. (That was a good year. Nothing compared to 2009, but a good year.)