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Monday, November 17, 2008

MJ Yoga "Noga"

I have a yoga milestone. Really an easy one. Yoga every Saturday for a month. I had this milestone last month and put it off until this month. There was a time when I could do this--->

I can still do it but I wouldn't want anybody to see me because I wobble all over the place. Here is my yoga update:

November 1st
I found my favorite yoga workout video.
I wrote Yoga on my To Do list.
I got a schedule from the rec center and noticed they do yoga every Saturday morning.
I thought about all of those yoga stretches that I really enjoy.
I underlined Yoga on my To Do list
I looked at the yoga video case and thought, "I love this workout."
I put the yoga video down and got sidetracked.

November 2nd - yesterday
I did not do yoga.

I remembered my milestone.
I felt guilty.
I thought about blaming it on the weather. (Jj. wink wink)
I know it isn't because of the weather.
So I did some yoga breathing in the car on the way back from picking up the kids.

Now you know why I might as well call it Noga.
This is not a W post. I just wanted to put it in type to remind myself to do it!!! No more Noga for me! Yoga from here on out! I will be subtracting $5 from my total every week if I don't get the yoga in.



JjHansen said...

Would you like me to call/text/email you every Saturday afternoon to make sure you've gotten in some sort of yoga? I'd do that for you cuz I'm just that nice. And because I want to go somewhere freakin' cool. ;-)

And just so you know, I think everything can be blamed on the weather and the weather can all be blamed on El Nino and El Nino can be blamed on Al Gore. It's a vicious cycle but that's just the way it is. Deal with it.

mP said...

Marion - maybe we can work out a way to do Yoga together. As soon as football season is over I want to get back into Yoga. My gym has an amazing yoga class every Saturday at noon and I want to go back. Because someday I will master the crane and the crow.