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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


OK, I'm -1 inch this week on my lower abs!!! That makes 4 more for a milestone! Sometimes I feel like I'll never get there. Can I just tell you that I was walking with my friend Monday morning and the most discouraging thing happened! We walk on an indoor track at the local rec center since it's too cold to walk outside in the mornings. She was in the stroller lane and I was in the next lane. We were walking at an average pace and talking about something or other when we got passed by a white haired gentleman. He must have been in his 70's! AHHHHHHHHH!

I can't tell you how much I would love to RUN around that track! But if I do, I won't be able to walk the next day. I wish I didn't have this hip injury. Anyway, it made me so mad that I went down to our gym that night and walked at a 15 incline (the highest one on that treadmill) for 45 minutes. He might pass me every morning this winter but his butt and legs will not look as good as mine!!!! (Hee hee hee. Of course he is around 70 years old so I've got an advantage!)




mP said...

Mj - you crack me up! I know that it's a struggle for you. There is so much that you'd like to do, but that darn injury of yours gets in the way. If you can't count your morning walks as exercise you can still count them as charity! Great job on the treadmill - that's awesome! Keep up the good work!

JjHansen said...

Whoohoo! An inch off your lower abs is great! That's a really hard area to get it off of. For some reason our bodies always want to take if off the less noticeable areas first. Something about protecting the internal organs and the uterus blah blah blah. Like we really need those.

But I've got a suggestion . . and you can take it or leave it. It's recommended that you get in at least 10,000 steps a day. And since you are limited to walking, maybe you should invest in a pedometer and start tracking your steps. That way, even if you are slower than others you know you're covering the distance that you need to. I think you could pick up a decent one at Target or Walmart in the $25 range. And that way at the end of the day you'd know about how far you have to walk on the treadmill to keep making progress. Anyway, that's just a thought from my warped little mind . .

MJ said...

OK, that old guy passed us again today and I mentioned it to my friend. She said that he runs a lap and then walks a lap. I didn't notice him running. So, he comes up behind us while he is running and starts walking as he passes us. At least that lets me know he isn't walking and lapping us.

By the way, I walk faster than some of the people who are jogging. Plus, we do 13 laps and they usually only do 3 or 4. Yay me. I just had to tell you guys about the little old man because I never imagined being lapped by someone like that. Life is hilarious sometimes.