For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hi, ladies! Time to check in again!

This week has been OK. I haven't worked out as much as I usually do because I was fighting off a head cold. I got over my cold very quickly and I seriously think it has to do with water and multivitamins. I've mentioned these before but I have to say, they have really made a difference in my life. I feel so much better when I drink enough water during the day.

I have started to stretch out every night before bed. I think I'm addicted!!! It feels great and I sleep better. I actually have tight muscles that need to be stretched because I exercise every weekday. I never thought sore muscles would make me happy but they do! I am changing! My clothes fit differently. I am so glad we started this challenge. I absolutely needed it my life!

I really want to push myself this next week! Sore muscles, here I come!

Depositing $8

PS I read Rachel's post before I signed in to finish mine. Rach, you are not alone in your bathroom issues and water has helped me too. Thanks for being willing to put that out there!

1 comment:

mP said...

Hehe, Jj and I talked about our bathroom issues today on IM - prompted by R's openness. Yay for water! And yay for sore muscles! I LOVE SORE MUSCLES! I actually feel bad when I don't have them!
Glad to hear that your clothes are fitting differently - don't you just love that!
Great job!