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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This post is dedicated to 5 free day and 4 peanut butter cups . . by Jj

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that was last week and I talked about it then but I've just got to say . . this whole over the plateau thing is REALLY nice!

This week has been a little hectic and I've only managed half of my regular workouts because of freelance jobs in the evening and stuff like that. However, I did manage to hit the gym after the Jazz game on Monday (which I am very proud of, btw). So with workouts and food I have $5.00 to put it but . . . I've hit two milestones this week!! Whoohoo! I lost an 1" around my hips and I've lost another 3 lbs. So that brings my grand total up to $9.00.

Now . . here's to hoping we can all keep it up through the Thanksgiving holiday. I have a sneaky suspicion that today is going to be way over on the food since I'm heading home this afternoon and we all know that Thursday is going to be a free day and then there will be left overs on Friday . . . guess we'll all have to walk around the malls and stores a lot on Friday to work off all of those calories. Have a great holiday, ladies!!

1 comment:

mP said...

Jj - I am very proud of your dedication to working out. Going AFTER the Jazz game - that's awesome!
Hmmmm ... where are our other butterflies? What is going on with them?