For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Friday, December 12, 2008


We're BFG's now eh? When I read "BFG" in the side bar, Roald Dahl's "Big Friendly Giant" popped into my head. I know it means Butterfly Girls ... but what can I say! It gives quite the opposite vision of what we are becoming. Thanks for the laugh. I'm glad that we're trying not to be big or giant but I'm all over the friendly! Keep up the hard work fellow butterflies.


MJ said...

OK, I don't really want to be the BFG's because of the SSHS saying BFE. They sound too much alike. What do you think of the BG's? Since butterfly is only one word we don't really need the F.

JjHansen said...

hhmm . . I don't like BG's either which is why I made it BFG's. Sounds like the band from the 80's. What about just BF's? I don't know of any weird connections to that one, other than the obvious which works too!