For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hey, Girls! Sounds like the holiday didn't totally do us in like we thought! I was traveling during the holiday and so I didn't exercise as much as I usually do. And it was harder to keep within my regular food choices because we ate out a lot. I had to minus subtract $ from my total because I went over with the calories!

I was happy to find that I'd lost a half an inch from my lower abs!!! What is going on? That is truly my trouble spot, thanks to two C-sections. I wonder if any other C-section moms have the same problem? Am I the only one who feels like I was butchered a little bit? I didn't have much of a problem with the first one but since my second baby was born, I haven't been the same. That wonderful bouncing baby boy is also the source of my hip injury. I have a very flat stomach under my scar but above it is another story. The skin is thick and not very lovely. I seem to have a permanent bump there. Oops. A little off the subject. Back to my update. . .

I have to confess something. I don't know if you've noticed or not but everybody else reports losing a pound here and a pound there. I have lost absolutely no weight!!! In fact, I have gained some. Not too much but I have gained it nonetheless.It has never been enough in one week to subtract money but it is annoying! I am not surprised because I usually gain weight when I exercise regularly. Plus, I have been doing a lot of things to keep my behind from shrinking. (It's that inverted triangle shape that Mrs. Judd taught about, remember Janis?)

Anyway, I tend to be heavier on the top than on the bottom. It drives me crazy. I was determined not to lose my behind and hips during this challenge so I've been working on those muscles. Here is my theory. The weight I have gained is muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat burning capability you have. Yay. I would like to lose weight though. I am at an average weight for my height and age, but still, I'm bummed. The inches are important but I would love to be seeing a teeny tiny number on the scale.

I'll be depositing $3.50. Wow, it pains me to type that in. It's a pretty sad number isn't it?


mP said...

Mj - oh, weight loss woes - who knew we'd ever have them? I remember the inverted triangle bit. I was an hour glass and I'm still paying for it - losing just as much on top and bottom as in the middle. Not exactly happy about that either. I come from a long line of buttless (or flat butted) women and while mine isn't much - it's more than my poor sisters have. I've been working pretty hard to make it a bit more round and a bit lifted (as well as get rid of that cottage cheese - ew!) So I can sympathize and feel your pain. Plus - freaking 4.5 inches off my chest - what the eff?
So no weight loss - that's not necessarily important since you are in a healthy range already. See if you can't get your body fat % tested. And you're seeing inches come off - that's great! To me, that's MUCH more important anyway.
Keep up the good work.

no1rachel said...

I have a funny half tummy problem. No c-section but a surgery. I know what you mean by the flat underneath and flubbery on top, especially after having kids! What's up with that. I so look forward to that whole perfect body in the life to come because I don't know how to fix cut muscles. I'll keep my eyes and ears open if there is anything we can do now!!!