For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maria Week 12

I'm so late ... and so sorry. Feels like the story of my life lately. Late to work, staying late at work, late getting home, late to the party, later period - but sometimes early - what's up with that?!?!?! (Sorry - I'm a girl - I gotta mention my girl issues.)
Anyway. Fell off the wagon - been REALLY bad at recording things on BodyDaemon. Pretty good at putting my workouts in to my phone so that by the end of the week I can see what I've done to calculate that. Maybe that will need to be another one of my milestones that I'll forget about (like not eatting out - ARGH!)
Anyway ... depositing the max $10 - no milestones this week. (Should have been a new weight milestone, but i put that 1/2 lb back on after the weekend.) Maybe next week. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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