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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Maria Week 14

Work outs are never an issue for me. Because 1. I'm addicted; 2. I have this big scary race looming in the near future that I have to train for or I'll die; and 3. my friends at the gym are like family - I miss them if I don't go.

Food - that's my issue.

My little sister recently found out she's allergic to corn - she can't eat anything! Poor girl. Nearly everything has high fructose corn syrup or some other corn by-product in it.

I have been sick all week. :-( This is becoming the story of my life. I have been avoiding it, putting it off, whatever - but I have GOT to figure out what is setting me off like this. I am hoping it's not some sort of food allergy - no fun!

OH! Nearly forgot! I ran 4.5 miles straight on Saturday! That's a record for me! And then on Tuesday I ran another 3 miles straight. So, that's technically 2 5K's and that's 2 milestones.

Depositing $14


MJ said...

2 5K's!!! Wow! That is really impressive!

So, you've been sick? What's up? What are your symptoms? I hope you get feeling better soon and I hope it's not a food allergy!

JjHansen said...

Holy cow! That's awesome! I think I need to follow your example and start switching up my workouts.

Hope you figure out what's going on soon! Keep us updated!