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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oh the winter blues . . by Jj

K, so first an update on last week. No milestones but for workouts and diet, I'll be depositing $7.50.

And for this week . . well holidays are bleh. I don't have internet access on my laptop at my parents house so I don't track things. I know, my bad. But I kinda kept a mental track as the days went and I don't think I really went over at all so I'm not counting that. However, I doubt I ever got all of my fruits and veggies in. As for workouts . . they were hit an miss. I did however spend a couple of hours helping my dad haul firewood so I'm considering that both cardio and strength training, I spend a half an hour boxing and bowling with my nieces and nephews on the Wii and I spend an afternoon climbing up the steepest snow covered hill in Southern Utah just to slide back down - narowally missing death few times - on a big black tub. So I'm totally counting that too. There's no reason why workouts can't be fun.

So, with that I've hit another weight loss milestone and I'll be depositing a total of $11.50. Which reminds me . . I think I'm a few weeks behind with the actual deposits. My bad.

1 comment:

mP said...

I think the best workouts are the fun ones. I'd definitely count hiking/tubing and playing the Wii (a lot of people actually break out in a sweat from playing the Wii so hard!)
Good job! You're awesome!