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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday Rut . . . by Jj

Hey Ladies! I don't have much to report this week. I lost the weight that I gained over Thanksgiving but nothing more. However, it's a relief to see that gone (again). Hopefully, without any big family gatherings I won't be tempted to binge like that again over Christmas. Honestly, I was feeling pretty sick for a couple of days after the holiday because I hadn't been eating as good as I normally do. Anyway, I measured this morning like I do every Wednesday and I haven't lost any inches either. Sad, but I guess it's better than gaining. One day I'll figure out the miracle solution that will get rid of the rest of the weight . . I'm thinking cabbage soup diet. (For those of you that don't really know me, that was a joke. Cabbage is gross.)

So with my workouts, and F&V - and my sad lack of milestones - I'll be depositing $7.00 today.

Hope everyone else did better!


no1rachel said...

There must be something in the air. Bring on the yucky cabbage soup diet! I';m happy you lost your holiday package.

mP said...

Jj - the whole weight thing is driving me crazy too. So I try so hard not to obsess about it. I find that it's so much easier to concentrate on weight because it's the fastest and easiest thing to measure. Good luck and let me know if you figure anything out!