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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In memory of my Prom dress . . by Jj

While I was home for Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago I was digging though the closet in the room I was staying in and I found my graduation dress, the dress I took my senior pics in and my prom dress. Needless to say . . I couldn't help but try. And while I was able to get the dress on and (mostly) zipped up - it DID NOT look good. I was bulging in places that I never thought it was possible to bulge. I knew I should have worn one of those stretchy elastic sequin mermaid looking things. That's what I get for having taste, I guess. (yes, I know I wore one of those stretchy elastic sequin mermaid looking things to the JR prom - but that was NOT by choice). Okay, done rambling . .

I've been doing pretty good with the exercise but the weight loss and inches has SERIOUSLY slowed. I think that can be credited to winter (willpower has nothing to do with it). I did lose another pound this week, which I think puts me to where I only need one more for my next milestone but I'll have to go back and check that. And some how I managed to GAIN an inch around my chest!! And it's in the "good" part! How on earth did I manage that one?!? Probably hormones or something but I'll take it any way I can get it. Heaven knows I need it. So with all of that I'll be depositing $9.50 for workouts and diet. Sadly, no milestones this week.

I think one thing that will help me (which I need to be more diligent with) is my food journal. I'm great as long as I'm at work but when I get home I think, "I'll record it when I go upstairs," or "I'll record my dinner tomorrow" but then I forget and when Wednesday rolls around I can't remember what I ate. Who am I trying to kid?!? Anyway, recoding EVERYTHING is my new goal (even if it puts me over my calorie/carb count which I admit, I've totally cheated and not recorded stuff because it would look bad). There, I said it. I feel better now. Here's what I need from you . . every time you talk to me remind/ask/reprimand me about recording stuff so I'll get on top of it! I know I won't if I don't know people are wondering and checking up on me.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Oh, the red dress!! You are so cool, I would never dare to try on my prom dress!

"...lady in red....dancing with me...cheek to cheek... something...something...."