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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ugh . . by Jj

Thanksgiving is not my friend. While I did exactly what R was talking about and took my own food down to my parents house so that I'd have my normal healthier munchies available - it only lasted the first night I was there. After that, I just got lazy and ate whatever was easily accessable. Chuck the Wonder Dog got plenty of exercise though - and I'd love to say it's because I took him out multiple times for nice long jaunts around the Elsinore countryside but it's just not true. In all honesty, I only took him out on a real walk one time. The rest of the time I'd take my dad's Ranger and throw him in the back then head up to the flats and just let him go. He probably got a good 2 mile run in at top speed almost everyday while we were there.

However, when I got home and stepped on the scale Monday morning to assess the damage I almost cried. Of course, I'm also retaining more water than the Hoover Dam right about now so that could have a little to do with it too. So I took CWD for a run and then hit the gym and did 65 minutes on the elliptical and I really tried to push it hard. According to the machine I burned 762 calories. So between that, the run and the ab workout I did in the morning I burned almost 1,000 calories on Monday. I'm surprised I didn't pass out. I had grand plans for Tuesday too but they fell way short when I went home from work at 11 am and feel asleep before 1pm and didn't wake up until after 6pm. I probably could have gotten to the gym last night as all internal pains had subsided but I still didn't feel up to it. So here I sit feeling flubby and regreting my decision.

Okay, I'm done rambling. I'm depositing $3 for my minimal workouts and my crappy diet (less $1 for going WAY over on Friday too). Plus I'm subtracting another $1 for gaining back 2lbs - so much for my excitement over my milestone. I don't know if I'm blaming the water retention or Thanksgiving for that one. I'll let you know in a couple of days. However, I did manage to hit two milestones - I lost 1" around my thighs and 1" around the dreaded MT (go figure?!?). So that gives me a grand total of $5.00. Ugh. On a happier note, I put on a freshly washed (and thus slightly shrunk) pair of jeans this morning and they keep falling down. I've caught myself doing some sort of weird denim shimmy multiple times this morning to get them to sit where they're supposed to so I don't have that little "pocket" in my crotch. I know, pretty picture, huh??


mP said...

Jj you have me laughing my butt off - and like Mj - I'm not trying to lose anything there! We expect the holidays to be bad and we expect that Time of the Month to be bad - but to get hit with both at the same time is awful! I was up 2 lbs last week and then with Thanksgiving I was actually up nearly 4 by the end of the weekend. But I also burned over 1000 calories on Monday and nearly 1000 on Tuesday so my scale liked me this morning. It happens - you'll get back on track. Keep up the good work and keep me laughing (it's good for my abs!) Love you!

mP said...

Oh - forgot! I've also been doing the denim shimmy lately. Love it! And love that I know have a name for it! Thanks!

no1rachel said...

Love the "denim shimmy" I have offically retired a pair of pants I got after the baby so therefore they don't count for a milestone but I can't wear them...literally, they fall off of me!! Let's keep up the shimmy!!!