For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

MJ bronchitis please stay away!

I have a really bad cold. It's starting to get into my chest so let's hope I can get rid of it before I end up with a bacterial infection!! Hey, Janis, does cabbage soup have any medicinal benefits? If so, bring it on!

It's been a pretty regular week for me. The cold makes me really tired and so I've missed a couple of workouts. I hope to be back to my old self by next week.

I think I may have mentioned before that stress is a huge problem for me. Well, it's about to get worse. Brady will be deploying in January. He should be gone about 8 months. I'm worried about getting depressed. I'm really glad that I already workout on a regular basis because I know that it will help me. I decided to start the food journal again while he is gone because when I get depressed, I lose my appetite. I don't want to have my metabolism shut down because I'm not eating a balanced diet.

To be honest, I feel a little like I'm lost in transition this week and might not ever get out of the cocoon. There is a nice bright light at the end of the tunnel right? Like maybe sunshine on our vacation? I would really like to decide on our destination so I have something more tangible to look forward to. Anybody have a really great place in mind?

$8 this week.


mP said...

Mj - my heart hurts for you! Brady gone for 8 months - ouch! I can't even imagine how awful that's going to be for you and the munchkins. Remember you have your Ya-Ya's and your Butterfly Girls. Please, call us ANYTIME you need ANYTHING! And we are going to try very hard to be mindful of you. (In fact, I'll schedule a regular Mj appt in my phone - cause if it aint in my phone it aint happening or doesn't exist. Yes, I'm pathetic - stinking crackberry addiction!) I hope you don't get sick - I'll pray for your health, sanity, strength, comfort, etc. (And Brady's as well.)
I love you, Mj. You are a rock!

mP said...

OH - Vacation! It looks like Hawaii it is. (Assuming we can all earn enough to pay for our airfare! ) I can book my condo's but it's best to try and book them as far in advance as possible. I say we plan Hawaii - I'll see what condo's are available and scout out approximate airfare (truly a guess since who knows what's going on with the economy). Then we can also look at a back up plan in case we don't earn Hawaii. Mexico or SoCal or something. ROAD TRIP! Or maybe some place less tropical and more mountainous - can everyone say HIKE-A-THON!!!!! What we need to do is decide on a date. I'm willing to extend our challenge to accommodate both availability of condos and money for airfare. But I want everyone's in-put on that.