For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I was reading over our earlier posts this week and also the "about " sections that we each typed when we started this challenge. I love something that Rachel wrote.

She said, " I want to find balance in all things in life, to not be afraid of food, eating it and not eating it and becoming a fit person for life (no more start and stop exercising when I "have time"..."

Thank you Rachel! I needed to be reminded why I started this challenge. I've mentioned before how I haven't lost weight at all. (Did lose 5 inches though..?) I've also mentioned how hard it is because I am limited in what kind of workouts I can do with my injured hip. Well, this week has been especially depressing. I had 8 x-rays taken of my hip as well as an x-ray taken of my lower lumbar spine. I'll meet with the doctor next week to see what he thinks. I may also have to get an MRI. I just need to tell someone how frustrated I am, looks like you ladies are three lucky "someones" who get to hear it. MY HIP HURTS!!! IT MAKES ME MAD!

I am literally off balance all of the time because of my hip. But I'm off balance in other parts of my life too. I did great drinking water last week but I noticed that I was afraid to eat anything. I can't do my regular walking and I was worried that I'd put on a bunch of weight. I am also not sleeping very well. Too much stress I guess. Brady is leaving for Afghanistan next month and I have a bunch of emotions to deal with.

This week I will strive for balance. I will not give up on exercise. I know I can find fitness routines that I can modify for my hip. I will also start the online food journal in order to keep my diet balanced. And finally, I will work on getting more sleep.

There you have it.
Thanks for listening.

$4 Workouts
$2.50 F&V

1 comment:

no1rachel said...

It is awful to try and keep going when bodies are hurting. Marion I'm sooooooo sorry you are hurting good luck with all the tests. My heart and prayers are with you.