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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MJ Week 13

I am so HIP!!!

Actually, I'm having some hip problems. I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow. The pain from my hip has been constant the last month or so. It wakes me up at night. How is that for an old ladyish thing to say? When I wake up in the morning, I have to force myself not to limp. I didn't think much of it at first because it hurts most days. But Brady noticed the limping and so did my mom. My hip also pops when I walk. The muscles in my lower back and upper leg are really sore. I am having a hard time being able to do the yoga and pilate moves and it hurts really bad when I try to do a push up or anything like that. The worst part is that I can't pinpoint what I did to re injure it. Another weird thing is that I can balance on the leg with the injury but if I try to stand on the other leg and lift my injured leg, I fall over. I don't just wobble, I actually fall down. WHAT IS GOING ON???

I might have to do some physical therapy in January. Argh!!! Hey, does that count as exercise? Needless to say, I will not be pushing things quite so hard this next week.

Limping along, singing a sad song...


1 comment:

no1rachel said...

I hope that everything goes well. Keep us posted!