For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Maria's Week 3

This week I discovered that my free days just might be counter-productive (if they were ever productive in the first place). I think that a free day is good because there are going to be events and occasions where a free day is needed; because we need to be able to reward ourselves sometimes; and because we can't completely deny ourselves all the time. But I am struggling with a balance with regards to my free days.
And I've settled on an on-line fitness journal - I'll write more on that later.
On a much more positive note ....
I lost another pound this week which puts me at 3 lbs since this challenge began and that's a milestone. I also lost an inch on my waist since this challenge began (that's 4 since I started my own challenge) and that's another milestone. I also lost 2 1/2 inches from my hips - that's two milestones!
A note about my measurements ... since I started working out about 5 or 6 months ago I have lost:
1/2 inch from my calves (not that there's much to lose there)
1 1/2 inches from my thighs
2 1/2 inches from my hips
4 inches from my waist
1 inch from my arms
2 1/2 inches from my chest
So I will be depositing $7 for workouts (4 cardio and 3 strength), $2 for eating fruits and veggies, $8 for milestones reached, minus $1 for going over my carbohydrate intake on a day that was not my free day for a grand total of .... $15.


JjHansen said...

hhmm .. free day struggle. Maybe you could try a free meal, rather than a whole day? Divide your daily allotment into thirds and only track two meals, rather than all three. Does that make any sense? It's just a thought. Take it or leave it.

Anyway, congrats on all of your progress! You're doing so well and you look amazing! All your hard work has really paid off. Keep up the good work!

MJ said...

I am really proud of you! I was kicking myself the other night because I didn't tell you how great you looked! I kept noticing during the Pedicures. I see a change in your face and neck. Beautiful nail polish by the way!

You inspire me!