For those of you that are just now finding our blog and don't know what on earth we're talking about, feel free to go back to our first post on September 13th to read the outline for our challenge.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This has been an interesting week for me. First of all, I have to confess that I didn't even think about the food journal.

In the beginning of this challenge, I found the food journal to be really useful as a jumping off point. It helped me to see what my daily diet is like. I was surprised to find that I wasn't eating as much as I needed to during the day. I also realized that I drink soda when I have forgotten to eat and so if I eat on a regular basis, I don't crave soda. These things have been helpful. But it has become tedious for me to keep track of every little thing I eat.

I don't know if this is a lack of discipline on my part or just the fact that I have figured out what I need to work on to make my body more healthy. Weight loss is not a big motivator for me. I don't mind my size 6 jeans. I need to focus on taking the time to sit down and eat during the day. The starch exchange diet that I learned with my gestational diabetes still plays a big part in my life. I am also a social eater and will eat more if I'm out with people. But overall, I eat pretty well. So while I want to follow some guidelines with my diet, I don't feel like I need to record everything I eat. As far as dieting goes, I will do the following:

Eat breakfast every day
Eat 5 small meals daily
Focus on foods that are high in fiber and low if fat.
Drink water with every meal and after every workout
Stop eating after 7pm
Take my multivitamin daily

A little while ago, I stopped eating after 7pm. The exeption to this is if I work out at night. I have to eat something small afterwards or my blood sugar drops in the middle of the night. I have learned that if I eat during the day, I'm really not hungry at night anyway and I just eat because Brady does.

Now for the good news!!! I hit my lose 5 inches milestone this week!!! I also met my H2O milestone again!! I'm getting pretty close to just making that one a habit rather than a milestone! One more should do it.

I'll be depositing $14 this week!!!


no1rachel said...

Way to go Marion. So the food journal really worked to see where you were at? Did you do it online?
Help me fight the food frustrations!

JjHansen said...

Good job, Marion! I'm very excited to hear that you're not having to keep a food journal anymore. I wish I didn't have to but I've got weight to lose so I think I'm going to be stuck on it for a while. Sigh.

Congrats on losing your 5"! That's pretty dang cool. Keep it up!

And Rach, there are a number of online food journals out there. Including the one that Maria and I use - which I think you've got an account for, right? There's another one that has a free software download too so you don't have to be online to use it but it's for a PC so I didn't bother looking into it. Maybe Maria remembers what it is.

mP said...

Mj - if I didn't love you so much I could hate you. 5 inches already? It has taken me 6 months to lose 4 inches!
You are amazing! I can't wait for the day when I no longer have to keep a food journal.

mP said...

Rachel - the website with the downloadable (is that a word?) food and fitness journal is There is a link for it on our blog.