Big week for me! WOW! As you can see from my previous three posts things have been a bit crazy.
So Saturday was the BIG day. And as you can see from my post about the half-marathon I was really hurting by the end of that race. I was in a lot of pain on Saturday, soreness and stiffness of my knees set in pretty quickly. My hip hurt, but not like my knees. The sciatica issue is easily remedied. Stop moving. As I mentioned - it hurts worse to walk than to run, but if I stop moving COMPLETELY, then the majority of the pain goes away. I thought, like following my 10 mile run, I'd need a day to recover. My hip would feel better in only a few hours really. What I was not expecting was the intense pain in my knees....WOW! I truly underestimated the damage they had suffered.
Woke up Sunday morning at about 4 AM - very uncomfortable in my current position, but to try and move - unbearably painful! It was all I could do not to cry or scream whenever I tried to move I was in so much pain. (It's hard for me not to cry now just thinking about how painful it was.) You just have no idea how much you use them (even when you don't think you're using them) until every tiny movement is excruciating.
The rest of Sunday was pretty bad, but I loosened up a bit by Sunday evening - to the point that I could walk by myself and could actually sit in a chair and then stand back up by myself.
Sunday night/Monday morning I set my alarm for every few hours to wake up in the middle of the night and take meds as needed for the pain. I think that helped a lot. Was pretty stiff again by the morning, but after a few hours I loosened up again to the point that I could do many things by myself - including move my foot from the brake to the gas without too much pain so I could drive to work.
By Monday night I was feeling pretty good. As my knees loosened up I started to feel how sore my muscles really were. My left knee didn't really hurt at all anymore and my right was feeling much better. Went to bed Monday night feeling pretty good again.
Woke up Tuesday morning a bit stiff and sore again. But loosened up pretty quickly.
So my recovery has not been as quick as I had originally expected, but quicker than I estimated based on how terrible I felt on Sunday morning. I am just about going crazy actually taking time off from working out.
Now ... here's what I've learned from all of this ....
Huge way to relieve or prevent sciatica - stretching.
The problem with my knees, based on some internet research (not a doctor's diagnosis) - IT Band Friction Syndrome. Very common in runners. One of the easiest ways to prevent it - stretching.
Moral of this story - STRETCHING IS IMPORTANT! Take a leaf out of Mj's book - stretch.
It's going to be a new goal for me. I am going to stretch every night for 15 minutes. And for every week that I do that - a milestone.
Depositing - $8. $6 for working out and $2 for the half marathon milestone.